Sunday, November 6, 2016

Home from Trip 1

Friday, we had to say “hasta luego” (see you later) not “adios” (goodbye) to our little one.   Don’t think we've ever had to do anything harder.  Who knew that in 72 hours, there could be such a connection formed among three people.  As we walked into the DINAF building to drop off Little H to be returned to the home, tears began streaming down my face.  We waited a while for some paperwork to be done, then took Little H to the doctor for a checkup.  The doctor brought Little H to tears with all of the new and uncomfortable examinations, but healthwise, all was good.  At this time, we were informed that we could actually ride to the home, which thrilled us because it meant a couple more hours that we could spend together as a family of three.  Upon arrival, we gave some final kisses and hugs before shedding more tears.  Painfully, we then had to ride back to our hotel without Little H…so incredibly difficult.

While we are so excited about being able to bring Little H home in a few months, we are extremely heartbroken to have left our sweet one in Honduras.  The next few months will be without having 3 chairs at the table, without hearing “mommy” and “daddy” in that sweet little voice, without those precious hugs and kisses, without just playing for hours at a time, without being woken up too early in the morning, without those precious smiles/laughs, without seeing the joy of playing in the hotel water fountain and trying to catch the fish, and without being able to share the love of Jesus personally with our child; however, the next few months will be filled with more waiting on the next email or phone call from our agency, with God continuing to grow  our trust and patience, with making preparations for Little H’s room, with occasional Skype calls/emails, and with many, many more prayers for our little angel.  We appreciate your continued prayers; and even though we don’t understand this delay in the process, we know that since God has called us to this, He will get us through it.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Last Full Day Together...For Now

Since we had one good night’s sleep (and bragged about it), it only makes sense that Little H would wake up at 3:00 am ready to start the day…So, after laying around and trying to go back to sleep for about an hour, we actually got out of bed and had a little desayudo (breakfast).  Then, we played really hard until “real” breakfast was ready downstairs at our hotel.  We had delicious fresh fruit, toast, bagels, breakfast quesadillas, coffee, and orange juice.  By 8:00, guess who was ready for a nap?!?! Yeah, we all slept from 8:00 until 10:45, through some really loud construction work going on in the lobby!  Got up, and played some more.  Ate pizza for lunch, and got dressed.  Then, we were ready to take on the Hatch batch family outing #2, at the Chiminike children’s museum.  We spent a couple of hours hanging out there - so many fun things to do!  We arrived back at the hotel for dinner of pb and j, hamburger, and chicken sandwich with papas fritas (french fries).  After a couple of rounds of playing dress up and taking a bath, Little H was down for the count!  

We have begun packing up Little H’s things because tomorrow, we will will drop off our precious little one to be returned to the Honduran home for the next several months while we must wait for court documents and passport to be finalized.  We can only imagine how hard tomorrow will be and have no idea how we will leave without our sweet angel.  Please pray for our temporary departure from and our quick return to Little H.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

We've survived our first full day together - actually not only survived, but thrived!  Little H is a great sleeper so far!  Ten hours solid is pretty good!  Woke up and had a good breakfast of pancakes and fruit and then got to play all morning.  Lunch was a picnic in the room of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches along with chips and galletas (cookies).  Then it was nap time!….for Little H, too.  HaHa!  After we woke up we decided to attempt an outing at one of the malls in Tegucigalpa.  Little H is still hesitant about riding in a vehicle but once we got to the mall and started riding in the stroller, all was good!  We meandered around the mall, which is really nice, and saw all the cool sites and stores.  We saw some strollers that were cars and decided Little H needed to ride in one.  It was such a fun ride of steering and and honking the horn; this child’s smile and laugh is amazing by the way.  We stopped by a water fountain and were mesmerized by the water, then stopped to hang with a local that was zipping around on a hoverboard.  After returning our cool car stroller we headed off to the food court and ate some local flavor food of burritos - which were deliciouso!  Then, we strolled back to find a train that was driving through the mall!  Of course we had to take a train ride.  Afterwards we hit up some ice cream, donuts, and coffee before heading back to the hotel.  I’d say our first family “outing” was a success!!  We hung out and played until Little H passed out.  Lol.  It was a really great day to see this child’s eyes light up and the smile that will make you melt.  It’s going to be so hard to have to leave without Little H, but we know that God is for us and He will be close to Little H when we can’t be.  Who better to leave your child with than the best Father there is.  Until then we’re going to have a blast before we have to leave!  It’s been so amazing and we’re loving every second.
Sorry...wifi has been down last night and this morning...Wow! Our hearts are so full!  Tuesday was a whirlwind of emotions…starting in the morning around 9 am at DINAF for interviews with social worker and psychologists lasting nearly 2 and a 1/2 hours.  When we arrived, there was a little confusion at first, which we picked up on, about the translator not being present; but he showed up very soon and we got started.  They asked us many questions about our childhood all the way through to adulthood, leaving nothing to be wondered; but they were very professional and personable.  It was a long morning, but not bad at all.  

Afterwards, we were told that we were headed straight to meet Little H!!! We did have time to stop by the hotel to change clothes and grab a couple of toys and things for Little H.  In a little over an hour (after a quick stop for lunch), we arrived and were taken into the office, where we waited for Little H to be brought in for us to finally meet.  This child is so amazing; we can’t wait for all of you to see our little blessing!!! At the first sight of us, Little H cried, but we know it was only because nap time was interrupted for this event ;)  So, a little warming up to us was required.  Nothing some candy, a few toys, and a lotta love couldn’t remedy!  Before long we had walked around the grounds together and loaded up in the truck to head back to the hotel as a family of 3!  Sort of unsure about what was happening, Little H was pretty tense during the whole ride, but began warming up once we got back to our room and began playing.  Because of the tenseness, we decided we should simply hope to get a smile by Friday (which, by the way, Little H will be staying with us from now until Friday!!!).  But, we are so excited to say that we have already been blessed to see numerous smiles and to even hear laughter :)  This is so amazing! Our God is so good!  

Yesterday, as we were asked why adoption, we were able to respond with the Gospel.  What an incredible opportunity we had to share the Gospel with the psychologist, social worker, and translators.  We pray God will stir in their hearts and that they will find salvation through Jesus.   We’ve been adopted into God’s family; and we were present today to adopt Little H; so prayerfully the circle of adoption will be completed with these beautiful people who we met yesterday.  

What a blessed day - we met for the first time, rode in a truck, played and laughed together, ate dinner, hugged and kissed, bathed (which was a somewhat traumatic experience for Little H and us 😳), read a book, and then called it a night.  What an incredible experience!!! And it’s only the beginning…

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Well, we have arrived in Honduras for trip 1 of 2!  After a midnight drive up to Memphis, we caught a flight to Atlanta and then boarded a plane to Tegucigalpa.  We arrived to our hotel shortly after noon and immediately crashed for a short nap since we skipped last night’s sleep entirely.  When we awoke, we joined a fellow adoptive couple in the hotel restaurant.  We truly enjoyed having their company and conversation.  We were able to share adoption details and life stories - it’s really cool to get to meet some of the people you “know” on FB in real life and establish a real connection.  Praying for the rest of their process.  They even surprised us by buying our meal…so thoughtful and generous!

Our week will be filled with appointments, interviews, and visits with our sweet child (who we will call “Little H” for little Hatch, until we are able to share more details).  Tuesday is our big day - its the day of our first meeting with Little H!!!  We can hardly contain our excitement over meeting this child, who God had selected for us long before we even knew it and who we have loved before we ever met.  We can’t wait to tell Little H that “tu madre y padre estan aqui", “te amamos", and “tu eres nuestro nino" (your mommy and daddy are here, we love you, and you are our child)!  We can’t wait to show God’s love to Little H the way God has shown it to us.  

We would love to share something so that God will be glorified through it.  In September 28, 2015, we were assigned the number 9 on the waitlist to adopt from Honduras.  Approaching the 1-year mark of no movement and hardly word at all, on September 25, 2016, we were to the point of hopelessness and doubting that this adoption would really actually ever happen; but God.  But God, on the very next day after we’d vocalized these feelings to some friends showed up in a big way; and we received the phone call of a lifetime.  Not sure if it was all of you prayer warriors, or that we had come to the point of acceptance that God was gonna do HIs thing (whatever that was), His timing that He had planned all along, or everything working together; because we had honestly began praying The Hillary Scott song “Thy Will Be Done”:
I'm so confused
I know I heard you loud and clear
So, I followed through
Somehow I ended up here
I don't wanna think
I may never understand
That my broken heart is a part of your plan
When I try to pray
All I've got is hurt and these four words
Thy will be done…

I know you're good
But this don't feel good right now
And I know you think
Of things I could never think about
It's hard to count it all joy
Distracted by the noise
Just trying to make sense
Of all your promises
Sometimes I gotta stop
Remember that you're God
And I am not
So, Thy will be done…

I know you see me
I know you hear me, Lord
Your plans are for me
Goodness you have in store
I know you hear me
I know you see me, Lord
Your plans are for me
Good news you have in store
So, Thy will be done…

God once again met us right where we were and showed us how He loves, who He is, and that He is good. Glory to God, forever!

We would like to mention that we are so grateful for everyone at home who has prayed/is praying over us, have supported us financially, donated sky miles to cover our flights, are taking care of our pets, and are covering for us while we miss work.  Not going to mention names because we don’t want to forget anyone, but you know who you are and without you, this wouldn’t even be possible; so we are so truly thankful! 

Saturday, October 8, 2016


Well….It’s been just a little while since our last post (only about four and a half years, but who’s counting).  During that time, we have experienced one huge roller coaster of emotions, but we have finally arrived at number ZERO!!!  On September 26, we received a referral of a child from Honduras.  We accepted it the next day and are waiting to hear back from our agency on when we will travel to Honduras to meet our child!  It’s surreal to be able to say that, but we are so thankful that God has brought to this point and know he will continue to be faithful to see this adoption through.  We would like to thank everyone for praying over our family and we ask for your continued prayers over the next several months.  

The first trip will consist of intense and lengthy interviews with the Honduran governmental body that is facilitating the adoption, but, more importantly, it will also be a time of visits with our child!
After spending about a week in Honduras, we will have to come home for a few months while paperwork is being processed.  During this time, there will be a court hearing in our absence that will declare the child ours.  We will be informed of when that happens, and at that point we will be able to release all of the information about our child.  Until then we have to keep the details to ourselves due to legal reasons.  We can’t wait to reveal everything to you all!  We’re so excited!  God truly is a good good Father and His timing is always perfect!  In a few months after our first trip, we will travel back to Honduras to complete the adoption and bring home our little blessing!

To give you a snapshot of how the last four and a half years progressed, we will list all of our waiting list numbers along with the dates that we received them.  There were times when we regularly received a new number on the waiting list; and then there were long periods of time in which we didn’t hear anything.

#70 5-15-12
#65 6-20-12
#59 8-3-12
#56 9-4-12
#52 1-8-13
#50 2-15-13
#45 4-4-13
#42 6-11-13
#41 6-26-13
#39 8-15-13
#37 11-8-13
#35 1-24-14
#34 3-10-14
#33 4-24-14
#29 5-27-14
#28 6-23-14
#24 9-25-14
#19 11-18-14
#14 4-28-15
#12 7-22-15
#9 9-28-15

Received referral  9-26-16